Hi, I’m Julie

Energy Mastery & Wealth Consciousness Mentor

While being within my field, you are bridged to your Highest Potential.
I support you to Shift your Consciousness which equates to Shifting your Life.

For those willing and able, working with me support you to retrieve your investment from the mind, for your highest benefit.

Access to all of my online courses and group mentorship USD 1,199.00 per month. Private mentorship USD 12K+ per Month.

Book a conversation to see if there is a vibrational match.

Are we a good match to work together?

 Who am I with you?

If you work with me, as your coach and mentor, I am 100% dedicated to your growth and expansion. I am the bridge/anchor for you to be reflected and to feel safe to take new actions in your life to break the patterns that are replaying the same scenario over and over again. I only work with clients that are as committed to their growth as I am to theirs.

  • I can mentor you with the right tools, knowledge and presence for you to reclaim your freedom from emotional turbulences.
  • My field of liberated consciousness is an accelerator for your expansion. As we merge field, changes occurs more rapidly.
  • I can support you to trust yourself and trust life which is the same thing
  • I can support you to feel safe in the unknown
  • I can be the agent that support you to see more clearly the mechanism of mind that may be keeping you in suffering
  • I can support you to the actualisation of your highest potential
  • I can support you to live in alignment with your intuition/heart resonance
  • I can support you to find out what it is that you truly want to create
  • I can support you to open yourself to receive more abundance in all forms, including money
  • I can support you if you are in the process of integration of awakening to your true nature
  • I can support you to dissolve blocks that are in the way of you living life on your own terms.

You maybe a good match to work with me if:

  • You are ready and committed to your growth
  • You are ready to be authentic and vulnerable with me
  • You are stepping out of victim consciousness and are ready to take responsability for your own suffering.
  • You are done with smallness and dedicated to transcend all fears in the name of Truth
  • You are readu to discover or you already know that the best investment you can ever make is to invest in yourself, in dedication, time and money.
  • You have realised or are ready to discover that the more you invest the more you receive.
  • You want inner freedom and outer freedom. You know that one goes with the other.
  • You want to reveal the unconscious beliefs that are in the way of your abundance, joy and love of Life.
  • You are thirsty for growth and expansion and ready to invest to receive High Value Energy to Accelerate the dissolution of fears
  • You are dedicated and humble
  • You are done with outsourcing your power to others and to gurus
  • You are done with hiding and being small
  • You are ready to feel the discomfort of expansion
  • You are ready to align to your intuition which might bring you to take some inspired actions which will demand that you cross some treshold of fear
  • You are ready for your Epic Fuck Yes Life to unfold.
  • You are ready to walk the talk, done with seeking
  • You are ready to “Integrate as you Go”, to taking steps into the unknown
  • You are able to discern integrity from non integrity
  • You are ready to let go of the belief in lack and scarcity
  • You are done with judging and comparing yourself and want to take your own space in the world, ready to be You!

Why work with me?

To live your highest potential in abundance.

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Realise your True Nature/Awareness

The never changing awareness is the foundation of all experience, your deeper self. The natural state of being is effortless being, where there is effortless peace, joy. With awareness of your mind, you can reveal the unconscious thoughts and beliefs that are creating suffering and the experience of fear of lack. Recognise the Natural State of Being is Joy of Existing, Joy of Being.

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Open the heart, Self Love

Reclaim your energy from the realm of limitations and suffering and live life on your own terms. Open your heart to receive, loose the belief in lack and allow abundance to exist in your life. Cultivate Self Love, Self Trust & Self Respect to see your Highest Epic Life unfold effortlessly. Live in the effortless Flow of Life instead of paddling against the current.


Modern Mystic - Create consciously

Energy Mastery support you to trust yourself and follow your highest excitement. Feel safe in “not knowing” and take inspired actions to see your life unfold from a higher potentiality. Be non attach to “The Fruit” of your actions and effortlessly watch them take form/crystalised in your physical reality. You are already a walking magician, I support you to be conscious of it.

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Truth Bakery Circle

Professional Certifications

Life Coach

Certified Life Coach, June 2022

Transformational Coaching

Certified Deep Transformational Coach, October 2022

Kiloby Inquiries

Certified Kiloby Inquiries Facilitator D1-2, December 2022

Kiloby Inquiries

Mindful Integration Facilitator, September 2023

Download the Free Guide to reveal your True Nature

Stay informed of upcoming online courses and small group availabilities to work with Julie

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Fill out the form to send a comment or request information. Use the Calendar to book a private session.

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