Julie Cloutier

About julie

In April 2021 I disembarked the realm of effort living and embraced fully effortless being, allowing myself to be guided by intuition to live in alignment with my heart’s joy. In that process, I have been guided to practices, tools, knowledge, keys and codes to unlock the blocks that were in the way of my life unfolding from infinite potentiality.

These tools of knowledge and wisdom are now available to those who feel called to disembark the realm of endless effort (mind) and live in the realm of infinite joy (being).

I am in alignment with my intuition and consciously create the Life of my Dream. I guide others to live their highest timeline and True Purpose in Abundance.




Maybe you look at your life and it is not exactly as you want it to be.

Maybe you work too much?
Maybe you are stressed out?
Maybe you eat too much?
Maybe you constantly get caught up in old arguments?

I know, I have been there. In this uncomfortable, not so much fun spot.

At some point, I knew that things really had to change.

Today, I live the life of my dream.

I am not overworked, I travel more than 4 times per year, wherever I want to with my lovely partner. I enjoy spending time with our dog. I work with my clients (which I adore) as a highly-paid coach. I set my own terms to Reality and Reality meet me there.

I get paid to do what I love. I am calm, healthy, inspired, ignited, in my passion without anxiety or stress.

OK so you might say, “Yet another Story on the Internet”. Believe me, I know that one too. I use to read this online too and thought “I wish this was me”. But at the time, it wasn’t me. And it felt really far from my reality.

It is much closer than you think.

So How did I get here?

I started to doubt the validity of thoughts, I started to ask myself if thoughts were really giving me a true representation of reality.

And I got interested in Alignment. Alignment of Heart/Mind Coherence. So that my body can be moved to take actions that serve my dream.

I got interested in the subconscious mind.

Because my heart and my conscious mind maybe were saying, “I dream about this”, but my body was moving in an entirely different direction led by the unconscious mind which was saying in the background “you don’t deserve this”, “it is not going to work”, etc…

The formula became:
I started to have more self awareness, I paid attention to the thinking mind without identifying with it.

I took inspired actions that were leading me in the direction of my dream, not allowing doubts to block the movement.

I allowed myself to feel all the feelings that were stirred up by taking these actions, fear of lack, fear of failure, etc…

I proved to myself again and again that the Floor appear as I walk, and my Faith and Trust grew more and more.

Everytime I took a step towards my dream, my dream took a step towards me in the form of people, opportunities, ideas, etc… As I took the first step, the second step appeared.

And it became my passion to support others to free themselves from self-imposed limitations.

So now, I am offering to support those ready for real change in their life. Those ready to invest in themselves.

With my direct experience, skills and knowledge, I support my clients to be aware of their unconscious mind pattern, to trust being guided by their heart for them to create the life of their dream. I support my client to somatically release the contracted energy that these patterns create in the body so that abundance can start to flow in their life.

Within my Field of Liberated Consciousness and skills as a Deep Transformational Coach, fear is transmuted in excitement, doubt is transmuted in trust. And that translate in effortless abundance. I support you to open the channel to receive abundance effortlessly.

I support you to align, your mind (conscious & unconscious), heart and body so that your best most epic life unfold effortlessly.

If you are ready to see massive changes in your life and in your well-being.

Join me in the Truth Bakery Community to access my online courses and presence to support consciousness shift for you. For your abundant life to unfold effortlessly.

You deserve all abundance, I am offering to be the bridge that support dissolving what is false, what is blocking all abundance to flow in your life effortlessly.

Believe me when I say, “I am not special”, I have nothing that you don’t have in you already.

Take this step towards your Dream by working/playing with me, you deserve it! Life needs you to be ignited and alive.

Professional Certifications

Life Coach

Certified Life Coach, June 2022

Transformational Coaching

Certified Deep Transformational Coach, October 2022

Kiloby Inquiries

Certified Kiloby Inquiries Facilitator D1-2, December 2022

Kiloby Inquiries

Mindful Integration Facilitator, September 2023

Truth Bakery Community

[Truth, Sovereignty & Abundance]

Join my Community Space, access all of my online course and presence to free yourself from your self imposed limitations. To access the Magic of letting go of control and directing your energy consciously to what you want to see appear in your life without fear of lack.

contact form

Fill out the form to send a comment or request information. Use the Calendar to book a private session.

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