by Julie | May 7, 2023 | Happiness, Infinite being, nonduality, Self-Realisation
What is that freedom place that you already are? It’s a place where it’s empty but it does not know that it is empty. It is before the awareness that there is awareness. Before the concept of “there is existence” (awareness of existence) or awareness of...
by Julie | Feb 24, 2023 | Happiness, Infinite being, nonduality, Self-Realisation, Well-being
You are the light that reveals something and nothing at the same time. The empty background on which everything seems to have its own separate existence. By the power of your light, you seem to bring “things” to “existence” for the sole purpose of enjoying them and...
by Julie | Dec 5, 2022 | Happiness, Infinite being, Self-Realisation
The sparkling beauty of everything. Realising that you have never gone anywhere and that you were never “this” and “that”. Realising that there is no movement but simply an unfolding of beauty. That nothing ever happened, that nothing is happening, and that nothing...
by Julie | Nov 30, 2022 | Happiness, Infinite being, Self-Realisation
To live without stories, without concepts. Without the “me” belief. To be here simply being. To live the beautiful human experience from a place of openness and neutrality. It can’t be described but it can be pointed to. To rest while there is movement. To see and...
by Julie | Oct 28, 2022 | Happiness, Self-Realisation
Search for the source of “me” and you will find only thoughts, feelings, desires, and resistances. When there is no search, there is our True Nature, infinite being. It has no opinions and no attributes. When there is the belief of being a separate person, everything...